to Rule 2(c) (viii) of the Companies (Acceptance of Deposits) Rules, 2014]
………………………………… PRIVATE LIMITED
I, ………………………S/o
Mr. ………………………….R/o …………………………………….., acting in the capacity of Relative of Director
(Mr. ………………….– DIN: …………….) of M/s. ……………….. PRIVATE LIMITED (Hereinafter
referred to as “tthe Company”) do hereby solemnly declare that I have lent
rupees ……………../- (Amount in Words) as unsecured loan @ interest of ……..% per
annum to the Company and the said amount of money/out of the said amount of
money rupees………….…………………/-( Amount in Words) has been given out of my own funds
and is not being given out of funds acquired by me by borrowing or accepting
loans or deposits from others.
Place: Chennai
Date: …………….
Thank you for the information. kindly read this as a compliment GST